
Eyes are organs of vision that detect light. What do the simplest eye is nothing more than to know whether the surroundings are light or dark. More complex eyes are used to provide a visual sense.

Organs in the eye

Parts of the eye work together to deliver the light organ from its source to the brain to be digested by the human nervous system. The sections are:

Is the outermost part of the eyeball that receives light from light sources.
Is part of the white wall of the eye. Average thickness of 1 millimeter, but in irensi muscle, thickened to 3 millimeters.
The pupil and iris
From the cornea, the light will be forwarded to the pupil. Pupils determine the quantity of light entering into the deeper parts of the eye. Pupils will widen if the conditions of a dark room, and would narrow if the room light conditions. The width of the pupil is affected by the iris in sekelilingnya.Iris serves as a diaphragm. Iris is seen as the colored part of the eye.
Lens of the eye receives light from the pupil and pass them on to the retina. The function of the eye lens is set to focus the light, so the light falls exactly on the retina of yellow spots. To view a distant object (the light coming from far away), the lens will be thinner. As for seeing close objects (light coming from near), the eyepiece will thicken.
Retina or membrane Jala
The retina is the eye of the most sensitive to light, particularly the retina called the yellow spots. After the retina, the light transmitted to the optic nerve.
Optic nerve
The nerves entering the cord and cone cells in the retina, to go to the brain.

Eye disease

Myopia that is someone who can not see distant objects. It usually occurs in pelajar.dapat assisted with concave lens spectacles.
Hipermetropi ie a user who can not see objects in close proximity of the eye. Can be helped with a convex lens spectacles.
Presbiopi is someone who can not see objects located near or within jauh.Dapat aided by double-lens goggles. Common in the elderly .* myopia and blindness
Blind means that someone can not see anything at all. Blind could be caused by heredity, or accident. Myopia means that a person can only see dimly. People who are blind or myopic usually "read" with his fingers. This is called Braille.
Color blindness is a condition where a person totally unable to distinguish colors. Which can be seen only in black, gray, and white. Color blindness is usually hereditary. This means that if someone is color blind, almost certainly their children are also color blind.
Cataract is an eye disease in which the eye lens becomes opaque due to thickening of the lens eyes and occurs in the elderly (seniors).
Astigmatism = ketidakaturan arch - the curved surface of the eye that result in a bias light is not focused on a retina (yellow spots). Can be helped with glasses slinder / refractive surgery (graciella.sanjose.bali)


The mindset is something that is generated from one human brain, with up to it can be solved and open problems that are considered taboo, confusing, questionable based on human instinct.
Some basic animates all of them are age, education, the excess of the others and suasa.
Someone could think long because of his age, we can compare the effects of age of children, adults and parents as well as the elderly, very distinguished existence.
Likewise with a very clear link between school education kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and people who are already working.
Are also differences between people who are not married to a married, or the clever and stupid, following a very distinguished family keadaad influence the overall mindset, coupled with the existence; milieu that sipatnya nexus of our souls, good fellow, what is seen, what is read, what happens in one particular incident, all of which can be measured by the presence of our mindset.
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